I am sending congratulations to the Thurston County Historical Commission for their recent commissioned Peter Puget Historical Marker in Mud Bay, Eld Inlet. I learned of their great accomplishment on 13 Jan 2014 when I met Dale R. Croes at the Capital Museum in Olympia. He directed the project for the TCHC. I am really excited about their historic marker in Eld Inlet. People around Puget Sound are finding properties which can be used. Their project expands my dream of seeing Puget honored deep into the South Sound. Lt Peter Puget and his exploration party of 20 are finally getting the recognition that is due them. Great work Thurston County Historical Commission.
Low Tide at Mud Bay |
Yesterday I could not wait to visit the Memorial in Mud Bay. Peter Puget called Eld Inlet, Friendly Inlet. He visited the Indian village on 26 May 1792. They have done a beautiful job incorporating some narrative from Lt. Puget's journal, the route he took, and photographs of paintings by John Horton and sketches by crew. Interestingly, Dale Croes, an archaeologist who also partnered with the Squaxin Tribe to an archaeological dig in this area. They were able to find numerous items from the Indian Village. You might be interested in viewing these sites.
Working at the Mud Bay Wet Site
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