Proposed Memorials

The Completed Projects 2017-2018

1. Steilacoom-3 sites:
Steilacoom Historical Museum Association-Voyage of Discovery
Pioneer Park- Historic Waters
Saltars Point Park- Crossroads of Discovery

2.. Vancouver Notch: Washington State Committee on Geographic Names Approved Proposal on October 23, 2015
On 1 December 2015, The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Board approved Vancouver Notch as an official name. The US Board on Geographic Names denied my Proposal based on new coordinates which put the feature in a Wilderness Area. January 3, 2017, the WA Board rescinded its approval to denial status.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Peter Puget Haiku

In my recent cruise with Too Tall Tom, he began instructing me in the art of writing Japanese Haiku Poetry with particular references to cruising. From modern day cruising we slipped easily into the Exploration of Peter Puget and the Southern Waters and the Voyage of Discovery. Too Tall Tom was crew for me when we replicated Puget's Route.

The first line is 5 syllables.
The second line is 7.
The third line is 5.

Four years to explore
Voyage of Discovery
Peter Puget's Sound

Row, Row, Row your boat.
Hungry, Thirsty, Hot and Cold
The Men of the Oar.


Master Whidbey sees
Deception Pass is the Key
To Whidbey's Island.

Artwork by Steve Mayo